I realized recently the reason I've been having problems with coming up with write-ups that are worth reading. I strayed.
That's it. I simply lost sight, focus of what this blog was supposed to be about. So from now on, I hope to get back on track and give my wonderfully loyal readers posts that would be as wonderful as they are. 😊
Sooooooo basically today according to the topic 'erasure', I'm gonna be deciding the ONE event in my life that has to a large extent determined my stand in life today. An event that if erased, deleted from the journals of my life, I would turn out differently either for better or for worse.
Hmmmmmmmm..... That's gonna be difficult to decide Oooo.
For me that's gonna be a tie between the day I wrote my state common entrance and the last quarrel I had with my dad.
The second is easy to understand cos if not for the misunderstanding I and my dad had, I would have been with him the day he died. I believe that had I been there, he'll still be here today. I still feel slightly guilty for his death but I'm beginning to come to realisation that it's not my fault. It was meant to be.😢😥😢😥😢😥😢😥😢😥

Now as for the state common entrance issue, that's a whole new ball game altogether.
For me o, I believe that was the beginning of everything that went wrong in my life.
Firstly, I had my eye on a federal government secondary school (either Federal science and technical college, yaba or Queens college, yaba, Lagos). So, when the time came to write entrance exams into schools, I wrote the national common entrance with all seriousness and had a beautiful result. Yes! Finally, dream coming true.
Then the state common entrance, Mtcheeeeeew.... I didn't even want to write it. Just did it so my dad's money wouldn't waste. Halfheartedly, I sha wrote it.
when the result came out, I wasn't surprised. Although I didn't fail altogether and some may consider it a good result , it was a low one for me. I wasn't bothered, was just preparing to resume into FSTC when the news came.
All results for that year has been cancelled, no admission into jss1 that year. I was devastated.
And that was how the unwanted choice became the only choice... 😑.

That was how I ended up in Lagos state model college, igbokuta. Because of me kinda low mark, my name didn't appear on the admission list until the 3rd list which came out close to mid term of the 1st term. So I trained after mid term and that was when things really began to fall apart.
The room I was assigned to in the hostel was the worst ever. My life changed for the worse. Peer pressure took on a new meaning for me. It became real. A lot of nonsense was going on and the ever present teenage urge to fit in and feel 'among' began to manifest.
I wanted to stand out but bit by bit I began to blend. I wouldn't like to go into embarrassing details but from my own point of view, this was when everything went downhill.....😢😢😢

At this point I have to stop cos I've got a test tomorrow and I've not read one bit. Off I go!
Guys, let me know what you think. Corrections and suggestions are welcome. And do take out about 5 secs to rate this blog in the sidebar 👉👉👆
Thanks , ciao 👋👋
That's it. I simply lost sight, focus of what this blog was supposed to be about. So from now on, I hope to get back on track and give my wonderfully loyal readers posts that would be as wonderful as they are. 😊
Sooooooo basically today according to the topic 'erasure', I'm gonna be deciding the ONE event in my life that has to a large extent determined my stand in life today. An event that if erased, deleted from the journals of my life, I would turn out differently either for better or for worse.
Hmmmmmmmm..... That's gonna be difficult to decide Oooo.
For me that's gonna be a tie between the day I wrote my state common entrance and the last quarrel I had with my dad.
The second is easy to understand cos if not for the misunderstanding I and my dad had, I would have been with him the day he died. I believe that had I been there, he'll still be here today. I still feel slightly guilty for his death but I'm beginning to come to realisation that it's not my fault. It was meant to be.😢😥😢😥😢😥😢😥😢😥

Now as for the state common entrance issue, that's a whole new ball game altogether.
For me o, I believe that was the beginning of everything that went wrong in my life.
Firstly, I had my eye on a federal government secondary school (either Federal science and technical college, yaba or Queens college, yaba, Lagos). So, when the time came to write entrance exams into schools, I wrote the national common entrance with all seriousness and had a beautiful result. Yes! Finally, dream coming true.
Then the state common entrance, Mtcheeeeeew.... I didn't even want to write it. Just did it so my dad's money wouldn't waste. Halfheartedly, I sha wrote it.

All results for that year has been cancelled, no admission into jss1 that year. I was devastated.
And that was how the unwanted choice became the only choice... 😑.

That was how I ended up in Lagos state model college, igbokuta. Because of me kinda low mark, my name didn't appear on the admission list until the 3rd list which came out close to mid term of the 1st term. So I trained after mid term and that was when things really began to fall apart.
The room I was assigned to in the hostel was the worst ever. My life changed for the worse. Peer pressure took on a new meaning for me. It became real. A lot of nonsense was going on and the ever present teenage urge to fit in and feel 'among' began to manifest.
I wanted to stand out but bit by bit I began to blend. I wouldn't like to go into embarrassing details but from my own point of view, this was when everything went downhill.....😢😢😢

At this point I have to stop cos I've got a test tomorrow and I've not read one bit. Off I go!
Guys, let me know what you think. Corrections and suggestions are welcome. And do take out about 5 secs to rate this blog in the sidebar 👉👉👆
Thanks , ciao 👋👋
Thumbs up. Keep it going
ReplyDeleteU re good in your own way....
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