The world through the eyes of a woman 5

In sickness and in healthy,
In fitness and in obesity............ 

 Getting married is certainly a very crucial step in the life of a person. It's one thing you can't afford to rush into. Unfortunately,  that is exactly what happens in our society today. ''Better go and marry'', that's every parents national anthem once the lady reaches her mid-twenities.
Although this is true for both sexes,
the pressure is most applied on the ladies. Even before the completion of the college/university education,  the lady is expected to have potential husbands  on the ready. The moment she graduates, the next thing is marriage, even before getting a job.
According to the society,  your ''biological clock is ticking'', and you need to get married before its too late. The pressurization sometimes makes ladies settle for less than they actually want or deserve
Sometimes  ladies are compelled to get married to rich men who are way older than the ladies themselves to ensure the financial security of herself and her family.

Well,  after making the choice of spouse and all the ceremonies and rites are done , the marriage proper begins and the next problem faced is conceiving .
    It is expected that in the first year of marriage, the woman gets pregnant. Whenever this isn't the case, another  battle begins. From the mother-in-law and the whole husband's family to the husband himself,  the wife faces adversity on every side. 
The crazy part of this situation is ,the woman in most cases, isn't even the cause of the delay in conceiving. The only situation where the woman may be at fault is if she has previously had abortion or used pills that have messed with her womb.
But in most cases, situations beyond her control like the Rh factor,  a blocked Fallopian tube,  anti -sperm antibodies and even low sperm count of the husband cause the delay in conceiving.
 When finally the woman conceives, that's not the end of her troubles. The issue of sex of the child becomes a big deal. In some parts of Nigeria it's even seen as a bad thing to have a girl child as the first born.
At least now,  enlightened people now know that it's the man's gamete that decides the sex of the child.

As a Yoruba proverb says,  ''the good child belongs to the father, the not so good one is the mother's  ''. It's very obvious from this statement the kind of responsibility bestowed on the mother of the house.  The woman is ALWAYS at fault,  whenever a child goes bad,  why??  πŸ˜₯😒
 I could just go on and on about all the wahala women face. But I realize that I'm beginning to bored some of my readers who prefer the ''juicy'' stuff.

So this is where I'm gonna end my series on ''The world through the eyes of a woman ''.
Guys,  really I need your comments,  suggestions, corrections. I need constructive  criticism to make me a better writer. 
Thanks all for the support. Don't forget to tell a friend to visit here. And please take about 5 secs to rate this blog in the side bar. πŸ‘‰ 
*credit for the 'iyawo piece' - instagram @mheelorlah


  1. What you just said is 90% true...but the world is fast evovling, peolpe hardly think that way..unless you count the grandparents��...or the guy's mom Is a "demon" with no feeling...girls should stop saying stuffs as tho..they're the ones that carry the fate of the world in their hands. The girls of nowaday are left to make their own decisions.#weareallinthistogether

  2. Hmmm....... Nice write-up with an accompanied sincerity. Kudos! To be factual, people really need to know that most of our parents had worked in error in some spheres of life prior to now; and only the generation of the 21st century can right the wrong. Thank you: you've really spoken the reality in people, and I'm sure somebody's mind is been illuminated by this.

    More elbow grease!

  3. This is a perfect write-up and also a dictionary or an Handbook for Grandma's
    to be honest 99% of people still think that way

  4. i just think this letter cuz i see it more as a letter to those who aren't privileged to get this to think straight and make them know we're now in a Global world and thinking of past must stay in the past
    this is a new revolution
    i rest my case here


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