This is a subject that causes me great distress whenever i dwell on it. It's just so infuriating!The whole weaker sex bullshit begins from birth, girls are brought up with the orientation that they are weak, fragile and are meant to rely on their men to provide for them. Looking at the basics, this kinda talk is reasonably good but in this modern age it's becoming old-fashioned and unrealistic for a young lady to be without plans for her own future. some girls grow up thinking, well,what's the use of their education when they're just gonna end up in the kitchen. This is absolutely wrong! There are situations that are commonplace nowadays but were rare or even not possible in those days. Things like divorce and others, they were not as rampant as they are now. Imagine a situation whereby a woman who has been hearing from childhood that her place is in the kitchen and the other room[ 😉 ], is suddenly left by her husband to fend for herself and...