You belong to me.... (3)

"I really should have just ended it" she thought. Looking down at Sam who was on his knees groveling and weeping bitterly, promising to do anything just to make her stay, she realized she didn't have an iota of pity or even feel remorse for making him this unhappy. 'How did it get this bad?' she pondered. Barely listening to the pleas of her husband, her mind drifted off to the events that brought them to this point... After the text message incident, Sam realized Simi was worth more to him than the thrill of extramarital affairs and promised himself to stay clear of anything that would ever bring him that close to losing her again. From then on, they began the no secret policy. No secret, no matter how small should be kept from the other person. This included offences of the other half. It worked out pretty well.