The writings of an amateur poet .......( 2).
Well......... I guess everyone passes through this phase of their lives when organs you didn't even notice you had previously begin to influence your every thought and action.Remember that time when fitting in and 'feeling among' seemed to be the most important things. Being fake and acting like you're expected to in order to be friends with the 'cool' ones. Daydreaming about that cute guy in class, doing crazy stuff just to make that fine girl in your class notice you....... hmnnnnnnn...., I think you remember.

Actually, nothing was wrong apart from the almighty PUBERTY!
Gosh! that period was soooo exhausting! Battling with zits, trying to understand the new changes in your body structure, trying to be cool, trying not to make mistakes you'll regret at a later date.......... crazy is an understatement !
It was from the midst of all this I wrote a short piece (INSPIRED BY LUST). I was still in SS2 at this time, there was this guy i liked sooo very much but he was kinda blind to the way I felt about him. I was somewhat ''sister zoned''. When at last he became aware that i wanted something more than a sis-bro relationship,he decide to take advantage of my feelings.He only wanted me for the 'pleasure' because he had his eyes on another gal. For a while, i actually considered allowing him do whatever he wanted with me just to make me feel loved and wanted but common sense prevailed...
The situation was pathetic , I cried myself to sleep almost every night, and wake up feeling like shit. i just didnt understand the reason why the guy couldn't like me the way I liked him. The emotional pain caused me to put pen to paper to write INSPIRED BY PITY .........
You can view these pieces by clicking on the name of the piece
Comments, corrections and suggestions are very much welcome.
By the way,I'm so sorry for the time drag in posting, Med school is just crazy! Love you guys! 😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Nyc post...dnt always kip us waiting...Nomba 1 fan