Na fat you fat, you no kill person!

Tears rolls down your fat cheeks. Those very cheeks your father always said hug on your face like a bull dog waiting for its next treat. Screams of Orobo, Orobo fill the street anytime you walk by. You put on a strong face, sometimes you even laugh it off. Going back into your closet, to cry yourself to sleep at night. To you, your physical look is something disgraceful, A taboo to society, A curse on humanity. Each time you board a bus, you open up a healing wound as fellow passengers begin to scream madam "please help us adjust" You try really hard, squeezing your body on the cold metal of the bus, but still they give you the evil eye, and careful calculated sighs are thrown your way. Shopping is another story You sigh, as you try on the tenth cloth that doesn't pass through your fleshy motherly arms. Beads of sweat rolls down your body, the sales attendant gets impatient and starts screaming "madam go and l...